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NOTE: This list cannot possibly list every single keyboard available for sale in the world. As such, each of these keyboards is picked for a particular reason.  It was a famous brand, it's easily available, it is white (unusual), it offers switch-swapping, and so on.  If you find something cheap that's NOT on this list, it doesn't mean it's not worth buying. It just means it may not offer something special or unique feature that I find notable.

Anyway, keyboards are arranged by size, with the "other" section containing the oddballs and honorable mentions.

CMKB Buying Guide by Size

Full-size -- 104 keys or more, your typical keyboard with numpad and cursor keys

TKL / 80% -- 87 keys or so, full-size keyboard minus the numpad

Sub-TKL / 75% -- 82-84 keys or so, narrower than TKL

Mini / 60% or so -- 61-key to 72 keys or so, compact keyboard

Other keyboards -- other and honorable mention keyboards

Other lists

All the wireless mechanical keyboards available on the market


  1. What about Cougar Attack X3 RGB and PURI TKL?

  2. Cougar Attack X3 does not have a standard bottom row. This has a been a persistent problem with Cougar keyboards. The three left keys to space bar are 1.5x, resulting in a tiny space bar. The Puri, at least, look like it has normal space bar, and that magnetic cover is interesting. $70 for TKL is tolerable for Cherry switches.

  3. what about the Novatouch hybrid Tkl?

    1. No longer made since 2016, actually. Confirmed back then by CM staff.


  4. The Azio MK Hue on amazon is 30 and a full size with white leds a choice between blue black and red backplates


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